My baby won’t sleep anywhere except in her car seat!
“Hi Mums! My 4-month-old won’t sleep anywhere except in her car seat. If we’re luck...

My baby hates being bathed!
“My baby just hates being bathed. I’ve tried everything – washing him with a sponge, using dif...

How can I help my baby start crawling?
“My son just turned 9 months old and he still isn’t crawling. He rolls around on the floor but ...

How can I get my baby to sleep in her crib?
“My husband and I would like our 8-month-old baby girl to start sleeping in her crib instead of w...

Any tips on how to encourage my baby to crawl?
“My 9-month-old baby boy doesn’t crawl. If I lay him on his belly and scatter toys ...

My baby has a cold – what can I do?
“I’m a first time mum I’ve got a 8 month old who seems to be coughing, struggling ...

My baby has the worst gas!
“My 4-month-old has the worst gas! It doesn’t even seem to bother him most of the time, ...

My baby only sleeps if I hold him!
“Hi mums! My baby boy can happily sleep for up to 4-5 hours a time – but only if I ...

I am really anxious about labour!
“I am pregnant with my first baby and I am getting really anxious about labor – I ...

I am pregnant and struggling with acne.
“I’m 15 weeks pregnant and really struggling with acne. It’s affecting my relation...

I am pregnant and tired – how do I motivate myself to exercise?
“After my first pregnancy I had a lot of trouble loosing the weight. I am now newl...

My baby is sick with a blocked nose and congestion..
“My 6 month old daughter had been sick for about 3 weeks with a blocked nose and...

We are struggling to name our baby
“My partner and I are struggling to name our baby. Everyone wants to know what nam...

My toddler won’t let me brush her teeth!
“My toddler (20 months) wont let me of my hubby brush her teeth. Every time we try – ...

Abdominal pain, spotty period, nausea, hot, back pain, shooting pains in my stomach, mild headaches feeling tired – could I be pregnant?
“Hey ladies I’ve been experiencing abdominal pain I’ve had my period that’s been heavy ...

I am flying with my baby for the first time – any tips?
“I have a 6 month old and we are flying to Bali for a wedding, I am so nervous the...

My bub hates car rides, what can I do?
“My 12 month old hates car rides. As soon as I start the engine, she starts crying...

My Toddler Won’t Stop Drinking Bath Water!
“Hey Ladies! This is a bit of a weird question but I keep catching my toddler dri...

My baby won’t eat proper meals..
“My daughter is nearly 22 months and has always been small for her age, even befor...

My toddler won’t let me shower in peace!
“Hey Ladies. I am a first time mum and my 12 month old won’t let me shower in peac...

My baby is small for her age. Any advice on how to respond?
“My baby is small for her age. She is 12 month old and our pediatrician says she’s...

My son hits us. What do I need to do to stop him?
“I have a one-year-old who often hits us with his hands for no reason. I am not sure if...

My toddler only wants to eat crackers and chips. What can I do to stop him?
“I have a two year old who loves crackers and chips and doesn’t want to eat other ...

My young son will have a baby sister soon. Any tips on how I can encourage the two to get along?
“I am pregnant with our second child and my first son is two years old. A lo...

My baby has unreasonable tantrums! I don’t know what to do. Help!
“It’s been days and my baby’s tantrums are not changing, Every-time he gets grumpy ...

My son barely say words/sentences when he is more than 21 months
“I’m worried about my son. I talk to him everyday but all he can say is ‘nana’ for ...

How can I feel less lonely while staying at home with my baby?
“I’ve been a stay-at-home mum since my baby was born six months ago. Before that I ...

Do I have to breastfeed for a whole year? It’s been six months, and I’m kind of over it
“It’s my first child and I’ve been breastfeeding for six months already. I am slowl...

What can I do to stop my baby getting nappy rash?
“My baby keeps getting nappy rash, yet I’m changing him regularly. I’m us...

My baby wants to be held all the time. Please help!
“My baby wants to be held all the time. She’s 2 months old and will only stay quiet...

Can holding my baby too much be bad?
“My mum says I’m holding my baby too much as I pick her up every time she...

Is a light smack so bad?
“I know physical punishment is bad, against the law even, but is a light smack real...

Really sore nipples
“And I mean really sore, even after using 3 different brands of nipple cream. Any o...