My baby has suddenly become a fussy eater?
“Until recently my 9-month-old loved pretty much anything that I fed him. But suddenly h...

My baby won’t stop crying!
“My 3-month-old will only stay quiet for a few minutes after I put him down — then he st...

My baby has the worst gas!
“My 4-month-old has the worst gas! It doesn’t even seem to bother him most of the time, ...

My toddler only likes smooth foods
“My toddler only likes smooth foods like baby food, purees and yogurt. Textured fo...

My baby won’t stay in the grocery shopping cart? Help!
“There are days when I don’t have someone to leave my daughter with so I have to t...

My 3 month old baby won’t take a bottle, please help!
“My 3 month old baby won’t take a bottle and I’ve tried every bottle and nipple the...

Do I have to breastfeed for a whole year? It’s been six months, and I’m kind of over it
“It’s my first child and I’ve been breastfeeding for six months already. I am slowl...

How often should I be feeding?
“My paediatrician told me to nurse my baby every three hours, but I’m confused – ho...

My baby wants to be held all the time. Please help!
“My baby wants to be held all the time. She’s 2 months old and will only stay quiet...

Really sore nipples
“And I mean really sore, even after using 3 different brands of nipple cream. Any o...