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Sleeping Baby Car Seat

My baby won’t sleep anywhere except in her car seat!

QUESTION “Hi Mums! My 4-month-old won’t sleep anywhere except in her car seat. If we’re luck...
Baby Sleeping

How can I get my baby to sleep in her crib?

“My husband and I would like our 8-month-old baby girl to start sleeping in her crib instead of w...

My baby only sleeps if I hold him!

QUESTION “Hi mums! My baby boy can happily sleep for up to 4-5 hours a time – but only if I ...
Baby Crying

My baby is a terrible sleeper and I am about to go back to work – how do I handle sleep deprivation?!

QUESTION: “I have a 3 month old baby boy who is a terrible sleeper – constantly waking up th...

My baby wants to be held all the time. Please help!

QUESTION: “My baby wants to be held all the time. She’s 2 months old and will only stay quiet...
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