I am really anxious about labour!
“I am pregnant with my first baby and I am getting really anxious about labor – I ...

I am pregnant and struggling with acne.
“I’m 15 weeks pregnant and really struggling with acne. It’s affecting my relation...

I am pregnant and tired – how do I motivate myself to exercise?
“After my first pregnancy I had a lot of trouble loosing the weight. I am now newl...

What is your number one tip for a first time pregnancy?
“Hello! I am recently pregnant and I was wondering what your number one tip is for...

Does anyone have morning sickness tips?
“I am about 8 weeks and I’m having horrible morning sickness, most days it lasts a...

Abdominal pain, spotty period, nausea, hot, back pain, shooting pains in my stomach, mild headaches feeling tired – could I be pregnant?
“Hey ladies I’ve been experiencing abdominal pain I’ve had my period that’s been heavy ...

My young son will have a baby sister soon. Any tips on how I can encourage the two to get along?
“I am pregnant with our second child and my first son is two years old. A lo...

How can I feel less lonely while staying at home with my baby?
“I’ve been a stay-at-home mum since my baby was born six months ago. Before that I ...