Abdominal pain, spotty period, nausea, hot, back pain, shooting pains in my stomach, mild headaches feeling tired – could I be pregnant?

“Hey ladies I’ve been experiencing abdominal pain I’ve had my period that’s been heavy then disappeared for one day and has come back light I’ve been feeling nausea, hot, back pain I’ve had shooting pains in my stomach mild headaches been feeling tired lately and I’ve had diarrhoea and constantly feeling hungry when I’ve already eaten could I be pregnant? Are those an early sign of pregnancy”
Becka S.
Hubby and I tried for 10 years to get pregnant but were told 8 years ago it would never happen due to my pcos, not even with ivf. I had every symptom you have minus the bleeding and we joked for weeks about what it was. I thought I was seriously sick!! However, we did a test just to make sure…nearly died when it said POSITIVE! I’m 9.5 weeks along. I would definitely not rule it out. The pains in my stomach and sore boobs were my first 2 signs. The stomach pains were like a burning pain shooting from low in the middle of my pelvis right up into my stomach, it was pretty intense at times!
Mel S.
I get those symptoms when I have a flare up of PID.
I’d be going to the doctor for a checkup.
Sum Jo.
It could but as someone who has been trying for over three years I often get those symptoms with out being pregnant. It’s a very anxious time during the two week wait. I wish you all the best and fingers crossed ?
Tricia K.
Visit your gp for a check up. It could be a number of things
Kate M.
You really should go to your gp
Kayla W.
Thanks everyone for the comments to my question went to the doctors today for my blood test results everything is good pregnancy test came out negative it’s just my iron is very low and I just need to do an ultrasound just in case ??