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Really sore nipples

Breast Feeding


“And I mean really sore, even after using 3 different brands of nipple cream. Any other Mama’s had really sore nipples and what worked for you? Tips please!”


Sabrina Nedelec

I just wanted to say YES the struggle is real. I remember one night at the hospital my newborn vomited blood and I was freaking out, and the midwife told me “don’t worry, that blood doesn’t come from him, it comes from you”.
I then used nipple shields for a while. And got used to it I guess. But I feel for you and hope you won’t give up!!

Lindi Dutton

I cannot rate the rite aid hydrogel discs enough. I had piercing pain when feeding on one side. I honestly had to psych myself up to feed. My GF was visiting and ducked out to Chemist Warehouse to buy them for me. Her tip was to keep them in the freezer, worked a treat.

Carol M.

I have to admit that I didn’t like it either did for 3 months then went to formula.

Kristy Fowler

Nipple shield until I had a great consult with a midwife who noticed the drag created by my enormous, 3rd baby half saggy even full of milk, tits & recommended rolling up a face washer and popping under Boob to give it more lift and it was instantly different.

Jenny Flower

I used nipple shields for 3 weeks after my daughter was born. Rite aid discs worked well as well as Medella lanolin nipple cream. I used all of it together. It still hurt but healed much faster

Chantal Doualle

Rite aid hydrogel breast discs worked a treat for me. I didn’t use them due to nipples entirely (had burning sensations throughout my breasts when feeding) but they helped calm everything down.

Roz Lambrou

Hydrogel breast discs. Such a lifesaver

Carol D.

I loved breastfeeding, so easy, managed to do for my firstborn but had problems with my second one so had to bottle feed

Chris Adam

Savoy cabbage leaves inside your bra x this my help when not feeding x


Teasaidh Àigh Macgilleeathain

Two of mine ended up having toung ties once that was fixed we were fixed

Joanne Slade

Please contact ABA (breastfeeding.asn.au) or a lactation consultant to ensure that your baby has a correct latch
I didn’t with my 1st and stopped breastfeeding after ~6wks because of the pain – after advice from ABA, 2nd and 3rd both fed beautifully

Nicola Kaye Palmer

I used pure lanolin and also had to pump for every other feed to rest my nipples and once my nipples healed I went back to just breastfeeding

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