My toddler won’t let me brush her teeth!
“My toddler (20 months) wont let me of my hubby brush her teeth. Every time we try – ...

My toddler only likes smooth foods
“My toddler only likes smooth foods like baby food, purees and yogurt. Textured fo...

My Toddler Won’t Stop Drinking Bath Water!
“Hey Ladies! This is a bit of a weird question but I keep catching my toddler dri...

My toddler won’t talk!
“My toddler mumbles a lot, but only speaks a few words I can understand and very...

My baby has unreasonable tantrums! I don’t know what to do. Help!
“It’s been days and my baby’s tantrums are not changing, Every-time he gets grumpy ...

Can holding my baby too much be bad?
“My mum says I’m holding my baby too much as I pick her up every time she...

Is a light smack so bad?
“I know physical punishment is bad, against the law even, but is a light smack real...