How can I feel less lonely while staying at home with my baby?

“I’ve been a stay-at-home mum since my baby was born six months ago. Before that I was very into my career, but now I feel like I’ve lost my identity. I feel very lonely and a bit depressed. I love my baby, but there has to be more to life than just feeding and changing nappies. I’d like to make friends with other mums and get involved with playgroups, but I don’t know where to start. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for me?”
Hayley J.
Check out playgroups Australia, mamatribe, join a local facebook mums group, get in touch with anyone else you know on maternity leave too, just send them a message! There’s a good chance they’re feeling the same as you and would love to catch up over coffee. The best thing to do is get out of the house every day. Start your day with a shower no matter how you feel and even if it’s just a walk to the corner, make sure you get some fresh air.
Samara Hedges
Omg you are speaking to my soul! I started a program to try and combat my own loneliness! It’s only new but hoping to build a strong support network Australia wide and start delivering classes all over- keep an eye out! We are here for you xx
Kassey T.
Libraries often have a music group or story time. They also often have details of playgroups in your area. Your child health nurse should also have this information.
I took my little guy to swimming lessons before he was one just to get out and see people.
Eleanor B.
Get out to everything you can. There are so many things out there. The park, where you will meet other parents, the local council will have groups and free sessions for kids, the library has great story time and craft sessions, join a mums group and a playgroup. If you want to spend money, there are baby gym classes, indoor play centres, music and dance classes, swimming lessons and more. Just get out there and do some stuff, its easy not too, but you will never regret it. I wouldn’t have survived without my Mum’s group in the early days, and my mum friends now that my kids are a bit older. Parenthood can be very lonely, but remember that you are not alone, there are so many others in your local area, feeling exactly the same as you.
Kristina G.
I had to try several playgroups before I found the right group for my daughter (18months) and I. I just searched playgroup and my state/city on Facebook and google to see what was around. Outside of that, pages like Kidspot etc post about things you could attend or specific child friendly centres (like swimming, gyms etc) that you could potentially look at also. I enrolled my daughter in My First Gym approx 3 months ago and she has made heaps of little friends and I get to talk to other parents as my daughter goes about completing the activities and during “free play” – this runs most of the day during the week where parents can come and go as they please with their children ? Both playgroup and the gym have been great for us ?
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