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What can I do to stop my baby getting nappy rash?

Baby Care


“My baby keeps getting nappy rash, yet I’m changing him regularly. I’m using powders and moisturisers yet it never completely clears up. Has anybody got any tips to help?”


Michelle C.

Could be the brand of nappies you use, we found this with a certain brand.

Belinda M.

Have you tried changing nappies? He could be getting nappy rash by something in the ones you currently use.

Tiffany M.

After trying various things I found Covitol cream a winner. Has a strong fish oil smell but certainly helped my little man out. Check with your chemist though as not all of them stock it ?.

Kate P.

I know it’s winter but lots of nappy free time is what helped with our sons bad nappy rash.

Stacey T.

Have you tried using a zinc-based cream? Check what’s in your moisturizers nappy cream. We use Kenkay it’s cheaper then Sudocream but has minimal ingredients. My son has allergies and some creams have things like peanut and almond oil, so if your little one has any intolerances or allergies it’s good to check what’s in the creams.
Also, nappy free time is good. As mentioned above try a nappy brand change?
We also find if we don’t use cloth wipes or Water Wipes my son gets a rash (super sensitive skin).

Teneille P.

Pinetarsol in the bath and crash powder helped clear it up for us ?

Sara D.

I would suggest changing brands of nappies or wipes.

Sara H.

Zinc and castor oil cream. I use it at the first hint of a red bottom and it clears up quickly.

Konnie Z.

“Nappy Goo” rash cream has been my go-to cream when others haven’t worked.

Teasaigh A.

More natural the better. Nappy brands can cause reaction my bub can’t use Woolies brand wipes and Nappies they cause a rash. Coles wipes unscented are the only ones he hasn’t reacted to and Huggies nappies but no their wipes. My older two were good on Aldi brands but this bub can’t touch them… A lot of trial and error.
Oh this can also be a reaction to formula or milk or soap. Don’t use powders if you can help it as they have been proven to be harmful to respiratory systems.

Ellen S.

I found nappy free time and Sudocrem worked best for us.

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