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I am really anxious about labour!



“I am pregnant with my first baby and I am getting really anxious about labor – I am scared I won’t be able to stand the pain. My partner has tried to reassure me – but I think he is just as scared as me! Is there anything we can do to worry less about the delivery?”


Emma B.

I’m 38 weeks with my first and I was really anxious about labour too. So to help me, I read through the overwhelming amount of paperwork I’d been given throughout my pregnancy from midwifes, doctors, antenatal classes etc. I kept what I found relevant / helpful / interesting and organised it into a folder. I also found some some positive affirmations online and put them at the front of my folder to remind myself that I can do this!
The best thing I did was go to a class about active labour run by my hospital.
Wishing you all the best!
We can so do this ❤️

Sehnaz G.

I just kept reminding myself that women for thousands of years have been giving birth in some bad conditions with no medical assistance, even saw a movie once where the lady was standing on blocks in a barn (possibly a movie about Jesus haha I cant remember?) Then I thought why am I so worried when we have medical assistance in a first world country with pain killers on hand if need be. Trust in the medical staff, they know their job and just let your body do what’s natural and scream like bloody murder, nobody will judge you.

Catie W.

The pain is temporary, your baby is worth it. Each contraction is one close to meeting your baby

Nicole R.

Honestly just listen to your body. And don’t be scared, you will instinctively know what to do! Everybody’s birthing story is different and what works for one mumma may not work for another. I planned to have a natural water birth but ended up having a 17+ hour induced labour with an epidural, as my waters broke and I tested positive for the Group B strep. It was painful but you really do forget! It’s the type of pain you only feel in the moment. Oh… the instant you hold your squishy precious little baby makes it all so worth it!

Though it wasn’t the birth I envisioned I wouldn’t change a thing ?

Amie Luke D.

I’ve gone through 4 natural births with just gas and air. It is painful but it can be managed in so many different ways. There are lots of different pain med options, discussion with your midwife/OB will definitely help as well.

Allei S.

Look up binaural and delta beats. These have been scientifically proven to have many benefits. You tube has a large variety too. I’m 32 weeks and omg what a god send! Sciatica, irritable uterus, short cervix, insomnia, snoring dog and bf (bf sleeps in other end of house he snores so loud). With the 50 minute sleep music video, I’m out in 10 minutes! I’ve found a couple more videos that are extremely relaxing in events of stress too. I plan to use them with this bubba who will be number 6! Also water, I’ve always wanted a water birth but with all being high risk wasn’t allowed. So stay in the shower as long as possible and walk, walk, walk! I believe us women weren’t designed to give birth laying down. If so we would have four legs haha.

Bree M.

Be aware of your pain relief options and the most common things that may be used to assist birth (such as forceps, vacuume and c-section etc). I was terrified too but didn’t want an epidural or anything but gas and a natural birth. In the end I had an epi, forceps and an emergency c-sec but all that mattered was that Bub arrived safely and healthy. Just remember what the pain is for and all is worth it. Trust your instincts and listen to your Dr. You will be fine ?

Sandra R.

With my baby I just told myself the pain was going to be bad, however it was not going to last forever. Keep telling yourself that. And contractions only last for a minute/minute and a half.
Best bit is, the reward you get at the end. Good luck

Kristy S.

I tried not to stress too much about labour, not like I could back out now! ??
But I did read up on Natural and pain relief free birth (as this is what I wanted) which helped me with my mindset going in on the day…
Then I went back for seconds. ?
It’s hard work, but your body was made for it. Your body responds to each stage of labour with different hormones to get you through. It’s your mind that tells you you can’t handle it. If you can get the right mindset, you can do anything.
And if you decide you can’t handle the pain, then don’t be afraid to ask. Stress prolongs labour, as your body thinks it’s not safe to birth bubs in a stressful environment. Do whatever you need to to help relax, and don’t have anyone present that you don’t want, don’t feel pressured into having someone else in the room.

Anika S.

Don’t be scared and don’t be afraid to ask for pain killers or an epidural. Labour is hard but rewarding, no need to try to be a hero and avoid pain killers. Ask for them early and stay calm. During the contractions try to relax as much as possible.
Believe me I was so scared and I didn’t think I could do it.
Trust in your body and in yourself, listen to your body.
You can do it!

Gen C.

This was me like a week ago! I needed to be induced- I cried when they broke my waters.
My midwife was amazing and talked me down so to speak when I wanted to throw it in.
I did it only with gas- by the time I wanted pethadine or an epi, I was 10cm.
It hurts. It burns. You may tear, listen to the medical professionals and you’ll be ok. The pain is temporary- I forgot all about it when they put her on me and she was perfect 🙂

Danielle L.

I am 35 weeks. I have done the hypnobirthing Australia course and it has really helped me keep calm. I’m actually looking forward to my labour because it gets me my baby! I just keep thinking women have been doing this since day dot so why can’t I. ?

Michaela T.

Labour is one day (for most people) one day of pain, one hard day, but once its done its done and u will have a beautiful sweet baby. With both my babies thats what i focused on. It was just one day and then it was over and while it hurts it does go quick! 🙂

Shantel Harvey.

As hard as it is trust ur body knows what it’s doing. I’ve just had my first baby earlier this year and was freaked out. But in all honesty the pain isn’t as bad as u think and ur body is truly amazing

Natasha R.

The best advice I got was to stay calm. Focus on breathing, your body will do what it needs to do. I have a six week old now and I’ve forgotten the pain!

Mary D.

I went through 19 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing but, to me it only felt like 2 hours, I also freaked out before I had my son but in the end it wasn’t bad

Sabrina N.

I think we are lucky to live in a modern time when you get to choose how you want to give birth. I had an epidural and it worked really well! Also I noticed that the pain is not full on from the beginning, it intensifies as you go on so you kind of get used to it.

Kaitlyn W.

I scared myself so much that when it happened it wasn’t really that bad …at the start. But you get offered so much comfort and support that you just get through it ?

Pru H.

Relax and breathe through it. There are so many options. I got through it with just gas. Yet I still get woozy thinking of needles.

Anita W.

Yep – think drugs ? at the end of the day you can call for drugs ??

Tess-Jean T.

I found that reading encouraging natural birth stories was really helpful! Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth is my favorite

Ashleigh O.

Your body is made to do this, you will be amazed at how strong you are

Rebecca D.

Know all your options.

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