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My toddler won’t let me shower in peace!



“Hey Ladies. I am a first time mum and my 12 month old won’t let me shower in peace. He just holds himself against the bath tub, pulls the curtain back and screams. He ends up soaked and it is so distressing for both of us! I have tried distractions but nothing has worked, he freaks out as soon as I am in and when we are home alone I can’t lock him out!”


Lexii K.

Maybe you could try showering at nap time!!

Leah B.

You could bring him in and let him sit in the shower with some bath toys.

Jade Elise A.

It sounds like separation anxiety. You mentioned he pulls the curtain back, I would too if I were a 12 month old and I couldn’t see my mum. Try keeping the curtain open, maybe have him in a high chair or bouncer in the bathroom, with toys to distract him, or maybe take him into the shower with you! Many parents do this and it becomes a fun bonding time with bub. Good luck, this too shall pass but for now try to make it as easy as possible.

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