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My baby only sleeps if I hold him!



“Hi mums! My baby boy can happily sleep for up to 4-5 hours a time – but only if I hold him. As soon as I lay him down he wakes up and refused to fall back asleep. Help!”


Tracey W.

My bubs was the same, I started by moving around with him in my arms asleep, the staying still, moving again- up and down motions (like putting him in bed). Also laid one of my shirts down in his bed so it still smelt like me too. I also made sure this shirt was warm so he didn’t get out into a cold bed- but on a warm shirt – hope that makes sense

Kimberley S.

For the first month or two after my babe was born I literally slept on the recliner with him laying on me every night otherwise he would be up every hour. That clearly doesn’t work for everyone. Find what does for you and remember it is a phase and will eventually pass. They are only so little for such a short time. Enjoy every snuggle moment. They won’t need you soon enough.

Natalie J.

I babywear my 3 month old or put her into her Love to Dream swaddle, as she feels secure and warm. She sleeps way longer in the Chekoh wrap though.

Jade E.

Get a baby sling and wear him everywhere!

Amanda Jade B.

How old is he? Read about ‘the fourth trimester’ ?

Jess L.

Yeah, fourth trimester and babywearing!

Alexxandra P.

Is it bad that my boy never would go to sleep in my arms? Everyone seams to have the opposite.

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