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What is your number one tip for a first time pregnancy?



“Hello! I am recently pregnant and I was wondering what your number one tip is for a first time pregnancy? Thanks!”


Debbie B.

Enjoy it! Once you’ve had bub chances are you will miss being pregnant – especially when baby is squirming around in there it’s wonderful to watch and feel. Just like when you have bub there will be bad days but enjoy those as best you can too as you can’t get them back. Maybe not the advice you were chasing but it’s easy to get caught up in the negatives of pregnancy…but the positives of feeling your baby dance away in there is magical.

Sabrina N.

Stay chill! Being pregnant doesn’t need to be complicated if you don’t want it to be. Keep your cool, enjoy it, and it could be a great experience. Have fun!

Tricia K.

You can try to plan everything eg delivery of your baby but at the end of the day you need to roll with the punches as things don’t always go to plan and there’s no point getting upset over things you can not change.

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