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My baby won’t stay in the grocery shopping cart? Help!

Shopping Cart


“There are days when I don’t have someone to leave my daughter with so I have to take her out for grocery shopping. Do you have tips to keep her still?”


Caitie H.

You can get containers the clip to the handle of the trolley. We have one for our son and our snacks in it for him while we walk around, depending on age some days I let him have his own trolley if we’re at Coles

Jade E.

I never use a trolley, I just take the pram and pop all my shopping in the bottom, or in a canvas bag that hangs off the side. Sure, I don’t get heaps of shopping as it won’t all fit, but I enjoy getting out of the house each day and doing a little shop.

Debbie B.

Online click and collect shopping for us! Good for budgeting too and don’t have to worry about toddler running around picking everything up.

Chelsea B.

You can buy those trolley covers with built in harnesses. I find the shopping trolley belts absolutely useless

Christine L.

Online shopping. Only thing that saved my sanity.

Aliesha S.

Snacks or a phone/iPad with kids shows on it.

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