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How to take other people’s comments saying that she has a bad behavior?

Baby Food


“I love my free-spirited daughter. She does not depend on others and has lots of energy the entire day. I know her very well. However, people won’t stop judging her and my parenting. As a toddler, she has a lot to explore and people don’t understand that. What do you think is the best thing to do?”


Julia C.

Tell them – she is a young child who is still learning how to behave appropriately.
You are an adult, you should know that judging me and commenting on my parenting is not good behaviour.
She’ll have a few tantrums but will eventually eat when hungry.

Cassie K.

Have you tried giving healthy dips with the crackers? My son loves hommous and also avocado. You can make or buy ones with spinach, pimpkin, cucumber etc. Then you can introduce veggie sticks for dipping, fruit slices with yoghurt for dippping etc.

Kate M.

Make a game/give a reward every time they try a new food.
There are also heaps of recipes out there to make healthy chips and crackers which will contain hidden veggies and fruits – try one handed cooks or my lovely little lunchbox

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