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How do I keep my 1-year-old occupied?

Baby Toys


“How can I keep my 1-year-old occupied? I am a stay-at-home mum with my daughter which I love, however these days I feel like we run out of things to do. We we often go for a walk and we play in the park, we watch some educational TV, play with toys etc but these things just get repetitive and I can tell she gets bored (so do I)! Do you have other tips to entertain her?”


Rio J-B.

Local library, swimming lessons, even different parks, local events, go on an adventure for the day- bush walk, visit friends or family, play dates, outdoor play, water play, gardening or any of your usual tasks that she can help with.

Jade E.

1 year olds don’t get bored. Sounds like you’re projecting. Are you really paying attention to your child when you play? Children just want your time and attention, they don’t need toys, or activities, or TV. Invest your time with her just using your imagination, making eye contact, mirroring, singing and laughing with her, and she will thrive. This takes dedication though, and commitment not to just go through the motions of entertaining her and expecting she’ll be satisfied.

Alison L.

My almost 14 month old loves to read, she will sit and look at books for hours. Find books that are predicative or repetitive or have engaging pictures. She also loves everything that is not a toy…she uses anything long as a vacuum cleaner and loves to ‘hide’ things, including herself. Follow her lead ?

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