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How do I get my baby to drink from a sippy cup?

Glass Sippy Cup


“I am struggling to get my almost 8-month-old baby to drink from a sippy cup. I have been trying water, formula and juice for two months and no luck! She can hold the cup and bring it up to her mouth but she chews on the spout – she doesn’t know how to suck on it. Eventually she gets frustrated and hits or throws the cup!”


Liana G.

I have just had baby number 4 and with my older 3 I never used any of those fancy cups that they have to suck and stuff to get liquid out. I used the plain old dinky sippy cups for approx $2 from Kmart that it just flows through. So no reason for them to be chewing on it. Also because it’s not a controlled flow they learn faster about mouthfuls and what their limit is, so therefore we’re drinking out of normal cups earlier.
That’s just what I did, not everyone will agree because they may choke so it’s up to you how you want to approach but like everything they were supervised 🙂 good luck!!

Kirstin W.

liana my 9 month old is the same. He didn’t take to any of the fancy non-drip cups that we tried. But will drink out of any plain sippy cups from Kmart, daiso or IKEA.

There was a bit of spillage at the start because if it’s held upside down or waved around drops of water come out but he knows his limits on how fast and how much he can drink so if we are out and I don’t have a sippy cup he can successfully drink out of my glass or water bottle.

Colleen P.

My daughter uses a Heinz free flow sippy cup for her 6 month old son, which I picked up in Coles for $6.60.. It has the added benefit of the spout folding down making it leakproof when out and about.

Allei S.

My son went from this to a straw in a week. His two now and prefers pop top type drink bottles or cups.

Amanda T.

There are a fair few types of sippies out there…so maybe try another type? I actually wrote on the different types, so maybe one would work for you? If not, water in a regular bottle until they’re a little older?

Sunshyne Krywko I.

always removed the no spill valve(as suggested by my community nurse) my 3 boys have coughed and sputtered at times but they all learned pretty quickly. My 10mth old is drinking from a normal cup now.

Sunshyne Krywko I.

always removed the no spill valve(as suggested by my community nurse) my 3 boys have coughed and sputtered at times but they all learned pretty quickly. My 10mth old is drinking from a normal cup now.

Arite Schaefer-M.

Try a straw?

Liz L.

The magmag has been great for us – its transitions from a nipple to a spout to a straw. they still need to learn the tipping action initially, but as the spout is rubber its much less tempting to chew on. I found my son just liked to chew on the hard plastic of the regular sippy cups. coles reguarly has the magmag on sale as a whole 3 piece set for around $16.

Edan L.

Ride I tried sippy cups none worked, the fancy ones he chewed on the cheap ones he choked on so I got one with a straw and he sucks up the water himself 🙂

Victoria B.

Try and drink out of the sippy cup yourself. Some of the ones I got to try for my kids were terrible. Chances are you will want to throw it too! ??

Nic M.

What about a straw cup?? Much easier as they don’t have to tip the cup to drink from it ?

Joanne S.

Just try a cup without the spout

Elizabeth M.

The straw ones are better.

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