Easy Sweet Potato & Curry Puree For Baby
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Baby Puree
5 - 7
6 minutes
15 minutes
Jo Charnock
Sweet potato is a fantastic first food for babies due to its nutritional value, natural sweetness and silky smooth texture. Don't be afraid to add mild spices to your baby's food as it will help with experimenting with different flavours.
2.5 x cups sweet potato cut into small cubes
1 table spoon mild curry paste of your choice (optional)
1/2 cup water
Peel and cut the sweet potato into small cubes
Use the steaming function to steam for 15 minutes or until tender
Take out the baskets and remove the water (keep to the side)
Pour the potato back into the jug and blend with the mild curry paste, adding small amounts of water until the desired consistency is met (smooth for younger babies)
Portion into reusable food pouches.
Serve with a food pouch spoon!
Sweet potato is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and fibre. Helping to support things like babies immune system, eyes, cardiovascular function and support a promote regular bowel movements. They are also high in antioxidant beta-carotene which helps prevent certain cancers and kill free radicals. It also contains calcium, iron, Vitamin B, E and folate.
Suitable for babies +6 months.