Simple Pineapple and Coconut Water Ice Pops for Baby

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Ice Pops
8 - 10
10 minutes
0 minutes
Jo Charnock
This 2 ingredient recipe for healthy homemade ice poles for your baby or toddler is super easy and so delicious. But don’t just keep these ice poles for baby, eat one yourself!
2 cups of chopped fresh or tinned pineapple
2 cups of fresh plain coconut water
Use the blender function on your steamer blender, and blend the 2 ingredients until smooth;
Next portion into ice poles using the handy collapsible funnel that comes with your reusable Freeze n Squeeze ice pole pouches;
Then place in your freezer for a minimum of 4 hours.
Coconut water can be used as a healthy alternative to fruit juice or sugary drinks and is a rich source of potassium and vitamin C.
Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C and manganese. They are excellent at healing and revitalising your immune system.
Babies are recommended to start on solids around 6 months and not before 4 months. Make sure your baby is showing signs they are ready for solids and that you introduce one food at a time initially, after that you are welcome to mix other fruits with this recipe!
To find out more about starting your baby out on solids safely read our articles here.
Suitable for kids over 1 year of age.