Healthy Blueberry and Coconut Water Ice Poles for Baby

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Baby Ice Pops
8 - 10
10 minutes
0 minutes
Jo Charnock
This healthy blueberry and coconut water homemade ice pole recipe is super easy and so delicious. They’re sugar and dairy free, so they make a great healthy and refreshing treat for the whole family.
2 cups of fresh or frozen blueberries
1 ½cups of fresh plain coconut water
1 or 2 tablespoons of honey or real maple syrup (optional)
Use the blender function on your steamer blender, and blend the blueberry and coconut water mixture until smooth, or do a quick blend to leave a bit of texture;
Next add the honey or maple syrup and do a quick blend again;
Portion into ice poles using the handy collapsible funnel that comes with your reusable Freeze n Squeeze ice pole pouches. Don’t forget to leave a space for the mixture to expand whilst freezing;
Finally place in your freezer for a minimum of 4 hours.
Coconut water can be used as a healthy alternative to fruit juice or sugary drinks, and is a rich source of potassium and vitamin C. Blueberries are considered a ‘super food’ and contain plenty of fibre, vitamin A and vitamin C.
Honey is not recommended for infants under 1 year of age as it contains a bacteria which can cause Infant Botulism. But as a natural sweetener it is perfect to give to older kids.
Babies are recommended to start on solids around 6 months and not before 4 months. Make sure your baby is showing signs they are ready for solids and that you introduce one food at a time initially.
To find out more about starting your baby out on solids safely read our articles here.
Best for kids over 1 year.