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What to Buy for Baby – Checklist Part 1

What to buy for baby?

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What To Buy For Baby - Checklist Part 1

It’s hard to know the essentials you need and what to buy for baby when you visit a baby store for the first time. Shopping for baby can indeed be overwhelming! Mothers-to-be want the best for their babies, but knowing what to buy for baby also means knowing the essential items you need to buy!

First Things First: Baby Clothes

Baby clothes are the cutest things. But you have to understand that being fashionable does not equate to being practical when you have a newborn baby who may need changing many times a day! A baby’s outfit is usually minimalist.

If you're looking what to buy for baby, one piece jumpsuits and sleepers, preferably those with press studs, make for a comfortable and easy-to-change outfit for a newborn.

You will also need some soft, comfortable singlets for under the jumpsuits. Make sure you have enough so you are not forever doing loads of washing!

When it comes to socks, just make sure they are not too tight or too loose. These, paired with a newborn cap and sweater will keep your baby warm during cold weather.

You will need a lot of blankets of different types: cot, swaddling, nursing, and sleeping. Match it up with wash cloths for the baby. You can never have too many of these.

Baby Feeding Essentials

Feeding your baby is a lovely time of bonding between the two of you. However, it is a time you want good quality and affordable breastfeeding products around you to help make the process of feeding enjoyable for you both.

If breastfeeding, you may not need to buy much at first. Some washable nursing pads are good to have on hand as well as soft and comfortable nursing bras. If you need to express to stimulate milk flow, due to oversupply or to share the feeding experience with your partner, then a reliable and efficient breast pump will become your best friend. The frequency of pumping will dictate whether a manual or electric pump is most suitable for you. Use our table below as a guide to help you. You may also need to buy some breast milk storage bags to store your expressed milk in the freezer of fridge.

what to buy for baby - breast milk storage bags

If you decide to bottle feed either expressed breast milk or formula – remember breast milk is best when you can! Then you will need some BPA (bisphenol-a) free bottles and teats. Start with small bottles and slow flow teats when bottle feeding a baby for the first time. As you will be feeding regularly make sure you have a reliable and quick sterilizer and perhaps even a bottle warmer on hand to make your job easier.

what to buy for baby - glass baby bottles

Newborn Health Care Essentials

Newborns use a lot of nappies all day and all night. They need to be changed at least 10 times per day. You can choose to buy cloth nappies for your baby and wash them or order a laundry service, or buy the popular disposable variety. Just make sure you buy enough to last you a couple of days. If you decide to use reusable cloth nappies, make sure you have a few disposal nappies for instances when you don’t have time to put on a load of laundry.

A baby bath to put in the bath or sink, natural shampoo, soap and baby lotion will help make bath time easier. Bath time can be a bit tricky with newborns. You may start off with sponge baths at first. Then try out a full bath when you’ve gotten more familiar with how to handle your baby.

Some good quality nappy rash cream and baby wipes are a necessity for keeping baby comfortable and cleaning all those messy baby bottoms after changing.

The last few items on your checklist are those found in your baby’s first aid kit. Include a digital thermometer, tweezers, and baby nail scissors and perhaps some baby band-aids as your little one grows and starts to explore the world.

what to buy baby - digital baby thermometer

Read on for part 2 of what to buy baby next week and see our printable baby essentials checklist.


Newborn checklist: Everything you need before your baby arrives - Today's Parent

17 Things to Buy for Your Newborn - MedicineNet

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