icon Upload video link via Apple Iphone or Ipad | Cherub Baby
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Step 1

Change your video resolution setting on your phone to the lowest resolution setting (but no lower than 720p)


Step 2

Shoot your video. Try to limit it to under 30 seconds where possible.


Step 3

Upload your video. Videos on new phones tend to save as quite large files so here are some tips for how you can send.


  • Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad
  • Tap the video you want to link to.
  • Next, tap the Share Sheet button at the lower left corner of the screen.





  • Tap the Copy Link button in the third row of the Share Sheet.
  • Wait a moment while iCloud prepares your link.



  • Paste the link into the fault/problem section of the claim form along with a detailed description of the fault.
  • *Also upload a photo of the product (even if that doesn’t show the fault) under “Photo of Fault (5MB Limit) as this is a required field.




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