Top 10 Gifts For A 1 Month Old Baby Girl!

On this Page:
- 1. Baby Clothes
- 2. Baby Nappies
- 3. Glass Baby Bottles
- 4. Baby Photo Album
- 5. Baby Creams
- 6. Baby Pacifier/Teethers
- 7. Mini Reusable Food Pouches
- 8. Baby Linen
- 9. Baby Jewellery
- 10. Baby Gift Cheque or Store Gift Card
So are you a new mum, or are you looking for gifts for a 1 month old baby girl for a baby shower? Don’t stress. We’re here to help with gift ideas for a young baby girl!
1. Baby Clothes

Firstly, you can never go wrong with buying baby clothes! Plus gifts for a 1 month old baby girl have never been so easy. There are so many cute outfits out there that are just too adorable. So baby clothes are always an absolute winner!
2. Baby Nappies
OK, so not the most glamorous gift, but one that any new mum is going to appreciate! But you can never have enough nappies. As an eco alternative to disposable nappies we can recommend Pea Pods as a smart choice when it comes to choosing what’s best for you, your baby and the environment.
3. Glass Baby Bottles
Feeding products like glass baby bottles in different sizes along with extra nipples can make an ideal gift. Plus with all the uncertainty about plastic these days then glass is the way to go! Cherub Baby has a full range of glass baby bottles to suit you, your baby or to buy as a gift. They are all 100% BPA free so they are the safest choice for your baby’s health. In addition, they come in a variety of colours and sizes that make a perfect gift for a 1 month old baby girl.
4. Baby Photo Album
All new parents will just love this gift! A baby photo album can help new parents record all the first-year milestones of their new baby girl. They can take pictures, paste footprints and handprints of their baby, along with recording personal details like the birth weight, the time she was born and every other detail you can care to remember! It can be a formal format or just a beautiful scrapbook that you can collect and glue in all those memories. Our friends at Storknest may have just the perfect gift for you!
5. Baby Creams
Great gift ideas for a young baby girl can include an assortment of baby creams and bath products. We at Cherub Baby can recommend Frankly Eco’s products. Frankly Eco is passionate about creating plant-based skincare that’s gentle for all skin types (humans big & small). Their product range is all about natural plant-based goodness and organic essential oils, and is frankly free from nasties. Both mum and baby will love these!
6. Baby Pacifier/Teethers
As a gift for a 1 month old baby girl there’s a huge assortment out there! From the different colours to animal designs, just make sure they are BPA free. A baby pacifier can give huge relief to a new mum, who might be stressing if the new baby girl is not resting or sleeping easy.
7. Mini Reusable Food Pouches
If you know mum is breastfeeding then our Cherub Baby Breast Milk Storage Bags make a great gift. They are perfect for storing breast milk! What a great gift for a mum who is breast feeding and want a good night’s sleep. Or just wants daddy or nanny to take their turn?
In addition, you can easily use our Cherub Baby On The Go Mini Food Pouches to store your breast milk so mum can have a night off, and that is a gift worth giving!
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8. Baby Linen
Baby linen as a gift for a 1 month old baby girl can include anything! From bibs to burp cloths; tissues, baby wipes, towels – you can never have enough! There’s cute sets of sheets, personalised blankets, bibs and towels with colours and themes to suit everyone. Every new mum will appreciate any of these as a gift.
9. Baby Jewellery

Jewellery is any woman’s ideal gift, and is so for mother and daughter. Traditionally gifting silver items to a newborn baby is considered to be beneficial as the metal silver has several health benefits. You can gift anything from silver bangles, anklets to silver glasses, bowls or spoons. Traditionally to be born with a silver spoon is associated with wealth.
10. Baby Gift Cheque or Store Gift Card
Finally, if you’re really struggling with gift ideas for a young baby girl, you can always indulge in a gift cheque or gift store card. The new parents can then use the money to buy whatever they are actually missing or need!
Choosing a gift for a new mum, new-born or 1 month old baby girl may not be an easy task. But whatever gift you may pick, it is the thought and gesture which counts in the end, so don’t stress too much!
Hopefully, this has helped to shed some light on what can you gift for a 1 month old baby girl!
Read more about our The Most Essential Things a Newborn Baby Needs.
Need some more info about introducing solids to bub? Download your free Guide here!
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