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How To Descale A Steriliser

Natristeam Microwave Steam Steriliser Bags don't need descaling

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In this article we give tips and advice about how to descale a steriliser. Many parents have concerns about the build up appearing on the surface of their bottle sterilisers. So it does need cleaning or descaling, but how? 

Why Descale A Steriliser?

Whether it is your first time or fifth time with a newborn baby, any parent knows that one of the most important pieces of equipment you need is a baby bottle steriliser. You can use either an Electric Bottle Steriliser, a Digital Electric Bottle Steriliser or Microwave Steam Steriliser Bags.

A steriliser is your first line of defence against harmful germs and bacteria coming into contact with your baby. So it is important to keep your sterilising equipment clean and to know how to descale a steriliser. The most important aspect of how to clean your steriliser is the product you use to clean your steriliser.

Microwave Steam Bag

The presence of limescale, which is the white, chalky deposit that coats bottles, kettles, and sterilisers, is what you primarily want to keep in check when we talk about how to descale a steriliser. Keeping your steriliser clean will also aid in prolonging the life of your steam or electric steriliser.

How To Descale A Steriliser

There are several methods in how to descale a steriliser. The two most popular ways on how to clean a steriliser is through the use of a citric acid solution or a vinegar solution.

Citric Acid

Cleaning a steriliser with citric acid is simple. But it also means having to go to your local chemist to get this ingredient. Once you have the citric acid on hand, all you need to do is mix 5g of citric acid with 100ml of water. Then pour the solution into the steriliser and let it sit for 30 to 40 minutes. When the time is up, pour all contents out into your sink, rinse and wipe it dry with a clean kitchen cloth. Afterwards you can check for any remaining scale on your steriliser. If need be, you can repeat the same process a few times. Just let the steriliser stand for a shorter period each time you need to repeat.


A more economical option to descale a steriliser is with vinegar. Similar to citric acid, you just need to make a vinegar and water mixture before pouring it into your steriliser. The ratio is 1:1 (with your water as much as 40ml per soak). Leave your vinegar and water solution to soak for anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight, depending how much scale is present. You can also rinse and wipe the steriliser before checking if you need to repeat the process. Although the vinegar option is a more DIY approach to cleaning your steriliser, it may leave a temporary scent on your device.

how to sterilise baby bottles

Descaling Sachets

Another highly recommended and easy way for cleaning electric sterilisers are the descaling sachets. These sachets are made of components that are less abrasive than both the citric acid or the vinegar solution. In addition, they can be used to clean any type of steriliser.  The sachets make sure that they eliminate limescale more precisely.

Descaling sachets are slightly easier to use because all you need to do is pour them into your steriliser with some water. Once the solution is ready, you just let the steriliser run for one cycle. Even if you are religious about your cleaning, letting the solution run for one cycle is usually enough to do the trick. The same descaling sachets are also recommended for the handier microwave steam sterilisers.

Final Word

As a busy new mum we understand that you have enough on your plate. However, we recommend that you try to descale your steriliser every 4 weeks. Whether you choose the citric acid solution, vinegar solution or the descaling sachets, what is important is that the steriliser itself must be kept bacteria and germ free.

However, if you really are on-the-go and you don't have the time to repeatedly descale a steriliser, then the Cherub Baby Micorwave Steam Steriliser Bags are a great alternative to being able to sterlise your baby's bottles and teats anywhere and at any time without having to worry about descaling.

As parents, the last thing you want is for a steriliser to be the source of unwanted germs on your baby’s bottles and teats.

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